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Our Events.


The events held at Canmore are spiritual, catechetical, and social by nature. Throughout the year, a large variety of events are held in collaboration with the Catholic Society, the parish of St. James, the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, and the University of St Andrews. For information regarding the Catholic Society, please visit their Facebook page at the following link: 

The featured events below are some of the most popular and well-attended events in the life of Canmore. 

Mass & Confession

Sunday Suppers

Wednesday Night Talks

The source and summit of the Catholic Life, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, is offered in Canmore at 7:00 PM on Wednesdays during term time. Confessions are held beforehand from 6:30-6:55. On other days, Mass is offered across the road in St. James' Catholic Church. For more information, visit:

Following 5:00 PM Mass on Sunday, join us across the street in Canmore for a themed dinner cooked by different groups of students each week! Past themes have included Royal Navy Night, Mexican Night, and Thanksgiving! For 

only £3, a drink, main course, and dessert are provided! 

During term-time, weekly Wednesday talks are given in Canmore after 7:00 PM Mass by guest speakers on topics related to Catholicism. Past speakers have included Archbishop Leo Cushley, Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB, and Sir James MacMillan. These talks are free to attend and are open to all who wish to listen.


HouseFires is a Praise & Worship group that meets every Friday night at 7:00 PM in St. Margaret's Chapel, to enjoy songs, talks, and prayer together. For more information, contact Lewis Dowle at

Reading Groups

For the past 4 years, Canmore has held reading groups led by Dr Rebekah Lamb. Past years have focused on Dante, St John Henry Newman, and St Therese of Lisieux. This year's reading group will focus on C.S. Lewis's 'The Abolition of Man', read in conjunction with Michael Ward's newly-released commentary. For more information, contact Dr Lamb at

Graduation Parties

Canmore hosts bi-annual graduation parties to celebrate our graduates and their achievements. There is one in December and one in June, and more information will be posted in due course.

Life at Canmore.


24 The Scores, 

St Andrews, Fife, Scotland KY16 9AS


Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM - 10:00 PM,​​ Saturday: 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM , ​Sunday: 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM

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